Glad that’s over!
The calm before the storm…
Two for the Road
Nobody is too cool to smile!
Find your smile. Try it on… you will feel much better and you will make others smile too! Anyone can do it!
Buffalo is cool!
Please don’t send me…
My better 1/2…..
Taste Test
Moore Brothers Wine Company is a frequent stop for Rosie + Vertie when visiting New York City. Located in Industry City, Brooklyn, you will find a cool, 56 degree, temperature controlled environment of hand crafted wines from France, Italy, and many more regions around the world. Check it out, it’s a cool place! -
Stupidselfishness 2017
Acting in an unintelligent or careless manner, concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself: concentrating on one’s own advantage, pleasure or well being without regard for others.I wrote the “word” stupidselfishness in my sketchbook years ago. It seemed to fit the stupid and selfish behaviors I was observing in this fast changing world. Rosie & Vertie eventually became my way to reinforce the importance of being excellent and not being stupid and selfish.
With unprecedented stupidselfishness occurring in the world today, I have updated and reissued the 2014 Rosie & Vertie stupidselfishness poster, which you will find in the Cool Gallery. It is a subtle revision and I hope it is an effective one.
We must do everything we can to STOP STUPIDSELFISHNESS!
Spread the word…..